Long Beach CA Real Estate Market Update March …

Long Beach CA Real Estate Market Update March …

The real estate market in Long Beach, CA is hot, hot, hot! In February 2022, we continued to …

Pets & The Home Buying Process

Pets & The Home Buying Process

Long Beach is undoubtedly a community of pet lovers! In fact, we love them so much that it’s …

Where to Buy Plants in Long Beach

Where to Buy Plants in Long Beach

Botany plants lately? Plant shops are all the buzz in Long Beach, California and it seems like they’re …

Fun Date Ideas in Long Beach, CA

Fun Date Ideas in Long Beach, CA

Love is in the air! Pink and red decorations are lining grocery store shelves and couples are frantically …

Why is Housing Supply Still So Low?

Why is Housing Supply Still So Low?

There’s one common question that homebuyers keep circling back to: why am I having such a hard time …

Free and Fun Things to do in Long …

Free and Fun Things to do in Long …

From movies in the park to an amazing selection of outdoor festivals, there are so many fun things …

New California Housing Laws for 2022

New California Housing Laws for 2022

On January 1, 2022, a number of new California housing laws went into effect. As a result of …

When is the Wave of Foreclosures Coming?

When is the Wave of Foreclosures Coming?

When the pandemic hit and many homeowners entered forbearance programs in 2020, people started asking the question “When …

Should I Sell My Home? 4 Signs it's …

Should I Sell My Home? 4 Signs it's …

This past year, news of the strong seller’s market has been sprawled out over major headlines, leaving many …

Why and How You Should Monitor Your Credit

Why and How You Should Monitor Your Credit

Credit is a touchy subject for many people. Your credit score plays a huge role in your everyday …