What is Home Equity?

What is Home Equity?

We often hear people say "Owning a home is one of the best investments you can make!" but …

How Long Should It Take To Sell Your …

How Long Should It Take To Sell Your …

Since we’re in a strong sellers market with low inventory, some people expect their home to sell within …

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

So, you’re thinking about selling your home? Congratulations! Since inventory is low, homes are selling quickly and for …

The Cost of Waiting to Buy a Home

The Cost of Waiting to Buy a Home

“I’m just going to wait to buy a house until the prices come back down.” We’re hearing this …

Improvements You Shouldn’t Make if You’re Planning to …

Improvements You Shouldn’t Make if You’re Planning to …

We love a good DIY project, but don’t hurt your selling potential by making a home “improvement” that …

Paint Colors That Sell - And Ones That …

Paint Colors That Sell - And Ones That …

When planning to sell your home, paint colors play a bigger part than you may realize. Colors affect …

Helping Your California Yard Beat the Heat

Helping Your California Yard Beat the Heat

Late summer is upon us, and for most of Southern California, that means more sun and heat while …

Are More Foreclosures Around The Corner?

Are More Foreclosures Around The Corner?

Many homeowners and potential buyers have expressed concern that with forbearance plans about to come to an end, …

Take A Walk In Rose Park

Take A Walk In Rose Park

It's easy to see why Rose Park has grown in popularity. Even though it's in an urban setting, …

Best Ice Cream Spots in Long Beach

Best Ice Cream Spots in Long Beach

If you're an ice cream lover, you've come to the right place! Happy National Ice Cream Day from …